At its core, our food is fire and meat. That’s it. So where that meat comes from, how it’s farmed and how this impacts all of us is as important as it gets. We pride ourselves on the quality of our food and working in conjunction with the outstanding Art of Meat butcher in Cambridge, we strive to source sustainable, free-range, grass-fed food whenever possible.

Grass-fed on East Anglian marshland pastures, our beef comes from a single supplier in East Anglia who selectively sources from across the region. The cattle mature and grow naturally, living relaxed and stress free lives whilst grazing on rich and fertile pasture for most of the year, finishing on a forage based diet throughout the winter months.
Many of them also play a vital role in maintaining permanent pastures which in turn play their part in climate change mitigating factors such as carbon sequestration.
Only three per cent of UK pork is free range, which is why we exclusively buy Blythburgh pork, based in Suffolk and 100% free range. The meat is bred to provide oodles of intramuscular fat rather than heavy caps of fat around joints, allowing for flavoursome and succulent cooks.
Not just free range, but slow-grown to greater maturity and taste, the Fosse Meadow chicken is as good as it gets, big dark meat joints and even the white meat is soft and juicy.
Taken from a small number of farms across East Anglia’s marshland, our lamb benefits from the nutritious and lush pastures that has producers from across the UK coming to use it to fatten their animals.